November Grae Agency Newsletter

Thankful for each and everyone of you

  • New Warmups

    The new vocal exercises are interval based and will challenge you. These were created to focus on ear training, melody retention, and placement.

  • Agency announcements

    So many exciting updates and announcements unfolding this month, songbirds! The studio will be closed from Nov 11/28-12/2 12 pm and Closed all day Dec 4th. Feel free to contact me personally if you need guidance or advice regardless!

  • Inspirations of the Month

    There have been so many inspirational books and podcasts that I would highly recommend that some of you read. If there is a music book, podcast, show, etc, always feel free to send them way!

Heading into the holidays with new and challenging warmups.

Grae Agency Updates and Announcements Coming Soon!

Happy Holidays

Prepare for your next performance

Read Violet Grae’s latest feature and will be announcing her next release soon!

He Said Releases Millennium

Violet’s Choices of the Month Huge thank you To the songbirds that recommended them!

You Rock!

Studio Closed

Until 12/2 12 pm

Have a wonderful November and happy holidays!!

from Grae Agency!